My name is Jacquie J Sarah, and I am a UK-based writer.  Not content with trying to commit words to paper (or screen), I am a trained and experienced script editor and reader.  I have also been known as Jacqueline Davies.

An inaugural member of Bafta Connect.

I have written ten plays produced by various theatre companies.

From 2005 to 2012, I ran my own theatre company, which produced only original works and encouraged emerging writers to see their work performed.

I specialise in comedy about miserable people.  Smart, funny, but ultimately flawed people.

I am currently working on a comedy for TV plus some projects which will be announced in the future.  

I have three podcasts out Excuse the Jess Da Silva Linings Ghostbook Podcast, and

I also perform and have taken more classes than you would imagine.

When not writing or acting, I can be found avidly reading, staring at a cinema screen , watching actors perform on stage  and desperately flicking through Netflix (insert other streamers here) to find my next obsession.

Sometimes work under the brand Deliciously Bright.

​​​​​​​If you would like to see any loglines, two-page pitches etc., please contact me here.

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